Mobile friendly is the design process which takes into account the variety of display devices that will be used by your site visitors when they are browsing your website. Key properties of a mobile friendly designed internet property are:

  • Fast load times
  • Readability
  • Clear and easy to use navigation
  • Minimal scrolling
  • Avoid Flash, Apple product don’t support.
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As of April 2015, Google has started to place a larger emphasis on websites being mobile friendly. Google delivers different results based on if the search is done via a desktop device or a mobile one, with extra weight being given to websites that are mobile ready.

Use Google’s free tool to find out if your website meets their criteria of mobile ready:

Google's Mobile Ready Test


  • Navigation on mobile devices is done with your finger. Make navigation and calls to action large enough with plenty of white space to be easily used by hand.
  • Smaller screens make text harder to read. Increase text size and streamline your conversation to avoid the common “death by wall of text”. Be concise, clear and short.
  • Images give great impact on modern desktop displays. Unfortunately on mobile devices the impact is lessened and the longer download times affect usability. With modern responsive design tools we are able to limit which elements of a webpage download depending upon device allowing us to deliver a favorable user experience to everyone equally.